(Un)read in the ledger

Weekly reading list: Monday 1–Sunday 7 April 2024

Elliott Bledsoe
4 min readApr 7, 2024

Things I have been reading, stuff I have come back to for a re-read and things that I want to read but haven’t got to yet.

A pile of different sized books stacked on top of each other. The books have green, pink and blue covers. They are on a bright green background.

I have been a bit busy this week so the reading list is a bit shorter than usual.


What I’ve been reading the week:

  • Support for school libraries needed to improve student literacy
    The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) together with the Australian Coalition for School Libraries (ACSL) are calling for urgent investment in Australia’s school libraries. The call comes off the back of new research showing a link between library borrowing and reading comprehension. To address the issue ALIA and ACSL are calling on Federal, State and Territory governments to commit to all students having access to a well-resourced school library run by appropriately qualified staff.
    Wednesday 3 April 2024
  • Welcome to the AI gadget era
    While there are a lot of AI gadgets gearing up to hit the market I am not as convinced as David Pierce that people will adopt them. That said, the point I found most interesting in the article was how these devices offer an alternative to the smartphone. The point is that, while smartphones are useful they are not very efficient because they try to do everything. “… [A]fter so many years of using our phones, we’ve forgotten how much friction they actually contain … they’re not actually particularly efficient tools.” It will be interesting to see if AI devices can create a compelling pitch to consumers. It may even diversify the technology market a little too.
    David Pierce — Wednesday 3 April 2024
    The Verge
  • Why I wrote an AI transparency statement for my book, and think other authors should too
    Kester Brewin, who recently authored a book on AI, writes about her decision to include an AI transparency statement at the beginning of it. Not finding any examples they wrote one themself that identifies whether the text was generated, improved, suggested or corrected using AI. It’s a interesting idea and one I support. On this blog I disclose the use of AI in relation to the text and any images I created to accompany them.
    Kester Brewin — Thursday 4 April 2024
    The Guardian


Things I have circled back to:

Of course, there’s lots of other stuff I have been reading that doesn’t make it into the weekly round up. (If you have a Google Account you can even share links with me.)


Image: A pile of books with green, pink and blue covers. Derived from AI output generated by Elliott Bledsoe using Text to Vector Graphic (Beta) in Adobe Illustrator (using Adobe Firefly). Prompt: ‘pile of books uneven hand-drawn’.

